KFbxSurfaceLambert Class Reference

#include <kfbxsurfacelambert.h>
Inheritance diagram for KFbxSurfaceLambert:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

This class contains settings for Lambert Materials.

Definition at line 54 of file kfbxsurfacelambert.h.

Default property values

static fbxDouble3  sEmissiveDefault
static fbxDouble1  sEmissiveFactorDefault
static fbxDouble3  sAmbientDefault
static fbxDouble1  sAmbientFactorDefault
static fbxDouble3  sDiffuseDefault
static fbxDouble1  sDiffuseFactorDefault
static fbxDouble3  sBumpDefault
static fbxDouble3  sNormalMapDefault
static fbxDouble1  sBumpFactorDefault
static fbxDouble3  sTransparentDefault
static fbxDouble1  sTransparencyFactorDefault
static fbxDouble3  sDisplacementDefault
static fbxDouble1  sDisplacementFactorDefault

Material properties

KFbxPropertyDouble3  GetEmissiveColor () const
  Returns the emissive color property.
KFbxPropertyDouble1  GetEmissiveFactor () const
  Returns the emissive factor property.
KFbxPropertyDouble3  GetAmbientColor () const
  Returns the ambient color property.
KFbxPropertyDouble1  GetAmbientFactor () const
  Returns the ambient factor property.
KFbxPropertyDouble3  GetDiffuseColor () const
  Returns the diffuse color property.
KFbxPropertyDouble1  GetDiffuseFactor () const
  Returns the diffuse factor property.
KFbxPropertyDouble3  GetBump () const
  Returns the bump property.
KFbxPropertyDouble1  GetBumpFactor () const
  Returns the bump factor property.
KFbxPropertyDouble3  GetTransparentColor () const
  Returns the transparent color property.
KFbxPropertyDouble1  GetTransparencyFactor () const
  Returns the transparency factor property.
KFbxPropertyDouble3  GetDisplacementColor () const
  Returns the displacement color property.
KFbxPropertyDouble1  GetDisplacementFactor () const
  Returns the displacement factor property.

Member Function Documentation

KFbxPropertyDouble3 GetEmissiveColor (  )  const

Returns the emissive color property.

The emissive color.

KFbxPropertyDouble1 GetEmissiveFactor (  )  const

Returns the emissive factor property.

This factor is used to attenuate the emissive color.

The emissive factor.

KFbxPropertyDouble3 GetAmbientColor (  )  const

Returns the ambient color property.

The ambient color.

KFbxPropertyDouble1 GetAmbientFactor (  )  const

Returns the ambient factor property.

This factor is used to attenuate the ambient color.

The ambient factor.

KFbxPropertyDouble3 GetDiffuseColor (  )  const

Returns the diffuse color property.

The diffuse color.

KFbxPropertyDouble1 GetDiffuseFactor (  )  const

Returns the diffuse factor property.

This factor is used to attenuate the diffuse color.

The diffuse factor.

KFbxPropertyDouble3 GetBump (  )  const

Returns the bump property.

This property is used to distort the surface normal and create the illusion of a bumpy surface.

The bump property.

KFbxPropertyDouble1 GetBumpFactor (  )  const

Returns the bump factor property.

This factor is used to make a surface more or less bumpy.

The bump factor.

KFbxPropertyDouble3 GetTransparentColor (  )  const

Returns the transparent color property.

This property is used to make a surface more or less transparent.

The transparent color.

KFbxPropertyDouble1 GetTransparencyFactor (  )  const

Returns the transparency factor property.

This property is used to make a surface more or less opaque (0 = opaque, 1 = transparent).

The transparency factor.

KFbxPropertyDouble3 GetDisplacementColor (  )  const

Returns the displacement color property.

This property is used to make a surface more or less displaced.

The displacement color.

KFbxPropertyDouble1 GetDisplacementFactor (  )  const

Returns the displacement factor property.

This property is used to make a surface more or less displaced.

The displacement factor

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 144 of file kfbxsurfacelambert.h.

Definition at line 145 of file kfbxsurfacelambert.h.

Definition at line 147 of file kfbxsurfacelambert.h.

Definition at line 148 of file kfbxsurfacelambert.h.

Definition at line 150 of file kfbxsurfacelambert.h.

Definition at line 151 of file kfbxsurfacelambert.h.

Definition at line 153 of file kfbxsurfacelambert.h.

Definition at line 154 of file kfbxsurfacelambert.h.

Definition at line 155 of file kfbxsurfacelambert.h.

Definition at line 157 of file kfbxsurfacelambert.h.

Definition at line 158 of file kfbxsurfacelambert.h.

Definition at line 160 of file kfbxsurfacelambert.h.

Definition at line 161 of file kfbxsurfacelambert.h.

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